Joseph, whose story is told in Genesis 37-50, ends up meeting Pharaoh in what can only be a God-ordained slew of events. “Then Pharaoh gave orders about Abram to his men, and they sent him on his way, with his wife and everything he had.” ( Genesis 12:20) What Happens When Joseph Meets a Pharaoh? He protects them during their departure, and they can leave with all their belongings, including the ones they acquired there. He orders the couple to leave Egypt, so no one will be tempted to commit adultery with Sarai. Pharaoh figures out Sarai is really Abram’s wife and asks why he lied, bringing on the plagues. However, because Pharaoh took a married woman, God plagues Pharaoh’s household. So, he tries to get in Abram’s good graces. Whether or not he planned to marry Sarai, the Pharoah could see that “her brother” was wealthy and would want his favor.